BC3 hasnt had access to a XP summit skid as of yet......
"Hello Everyone...
thanks for the positive input..and I want to clarify any questions you might have.
We make multiple size spacers for a variety of suspension models up to and NOT including the SC5..yet. Skidoo has moved in a direction of minimizing the often substantial difference in diameter between the I.D of the spring and O.D. of the shaft it rides on. We made a set for our TNT...but in reality with the stock first yr springs..it was like whittling a tree down to a toothpick.
As for the XP summit models..reality is that I was unable to get my hands on a skidframe to do some forensic testing. I will most likely not have any this yr because we dont see Summits on the east coast. I usually fly a skidframe out from Alaska (hand delivered) and return it within a few days. My contact for that is in 777 training in Japan for 3 months and so I cant get it here quick enough pre-season. I guarantee if I can arrange to get my hands on one ..It will be done.
Spacers are like orthotics for your shoe. They dont force the springs to do anything more than what they were designed to do. By putting them up on center, you regain lost efficiency from 8 to 16 lbs of force PER spring. Substantial if your 190lbs..not so much if your are 450lbs.
We test multiple springs and allow for variation in opening angle from the factory..no they do not bind. I do make it a point to confirm color codes as it can be confusing ..and the last thing anyone wants is to pull the skid down and find out it doesnt fit. So there may be a slight delay in contacting you..please make sure to include a phone number as well as the earliest am to latest pm I can call (it might surprise you to know that I OFTEN speak to guys at 4am. If I am up...I am working.
any other questions..let me know. Please email me at
bc3@triksled.com...PM's can be overwhelming.
thanks again...Bc3"