Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
Know the line has held, your job is done.
Rest easy, sleep well.
Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.
Peace, peace, and farewell...
great post. theres not many things i feel stronger about than the support of all of our men and women in the service of our country and in harms way. God Bless.
...and I'm so very happy that my son-in-law, Chief PJ Ryan, is home from Iraq for this Christmas and that my older daughter and her son's have him to celebrate with for the first time in years.. And that the USS Harry Truman returned my younger girl, Petty Officer First Class Ogden, safely home to her husband today and she will be home this Christmas too.
I pray that each time they step in harms way that they are protected and returned safely to those of us who love them.
This is the time of year to express gratititue and repect for the troops both fallen and standing.
I do therapy with a guy that lost his leg in an IED explosion in Afganistan. Two years and 60+ surgeries in Walter-Reed and his able to finally be home with his family. I haven't heard him complain once. These guys are special.