I've posted some Electric Start (ES) kit info and some info on another thread, (and in the past)
Since then, I've received quite a few emails and PM's on the topic so I thought I'd break that down here to answer questions in advance.
I've seen some people selling Take-out ES kits in the swapmeet of this and other forums, as well as ebay....
Often times they are attempting to sell used the kits for over $300 without the Primary clutch.... or simply including the ring gear that was removed from their ES primary clutch.
Since you will not be able to bolt on a ES-starter ring gear to a NON ES Primary Clutch, the ring gear is useless. (see diagrams below)
I've had members that have purchased a used "kit" with just a ring gear in the past reach out to ask me what they should do to try to
fit the ring gear and it was difficult to tell them that the ring gear did them no good.
The buyer, after trying to install the kit, had to buy a whole new ES Clutch, to the tune of $470 at a discount price. ($570 Retail).
Pure Polaris, Polaris's parts and accessories division has put together an great kit, that includes EVERYTHING you would need to
install this into your sled besides a battery (which you can pick up locally for around $60-$80)
The kit from Pure Polaris (through your dealer) is substantially less expensive than buying the parts and pieces individually from your parts counter.
The kit really is a great deal because you get the Primary clutch with it as well... Then you can easily sell the old, non-ES, primary for
at least $250 if it is decent condition... Which brings the cost of the ES KIT, with all new parts, down to less than $275.
A used kit without the ES primary should go for around $200 or less if all the brackets/nuts/bolts/and
other hardware is included and is in good shape and the seller wants to swap out the primary for your non ES.
Assuming that the sellers ES clutch is in good serviceable condition as is yours.
Any more than that, or no swap-out of the primary, and you should consider the new kit then sell your old primary.
Lead Acid (liquid acid) Batteries can't be shipped legally via the normal methods.
I know the people here at the local shipping depot... someone shipped a lead-acid battery in a box with other items.
The battery leaked and damaged not only what was in their box, but a fair amount of others and some equipment.
After the damage was assessed, and Haz-mat service fees were paid, the shipper was on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars..
Plus some legal issues : (
The proper Electric Start (ES) kit for the 600/800 PRO Chassis sleds is Polaris P/N 2879330.
CLICK HERE for full kit instruction .pdf with color photos. May be helpful for the removal. (3.5mb)
MSRP on this complete Kit is $599. You should be able to find it for less through online discount houses or Oregon Trail Sports.
Edit: OTS.. $520... for full kit all new with parts listed below.
You can get the full kit, brand new for $50 more than just the clutch alone!!
It includes all of the items in this list.
through Polaris accessories as a "KIT"
This one is part number 2877257
Since then, I've received quite a few emails and PM's on the topic so I thought I'd break that down here to answer questions in advance.
I've seen some people selling Take-out ES kits in the swapmeet of this and other forums, as well as ebay....
Often times they are attempting to sell used the kits for over $300 without the Primary clutch.... or simply including the ring gear that was removed from their ES primary clutch.
Since you will not be able to bolt on a ES-starter ring gear to a NON ES Primary Clutch, the ring gear is useless. (see diagrams below)
I've had members that have purchased a used "kit" with just a ring gear in the past reach out to ask me what they should do to try to
fit the ring gear and it was difficult to tell them that the ring gear did them no good.
The buyer, after trying to install the kit, had to buy a whole new ES Clutch, to the tune of $470 at a discount price. ($570 Retail).
Pure Polaris, Polaris's parts and accessories division has put together an great kit, that includes EVERYTHING you would need to
install this into your sled besides a battery (which you can pick up locally for around $60-$80)
The kit from Pure Polaris (through your dealer) is substantially less expensive than buying the parts and pieces individually from your parts counter.
The kit really is a great deal because you get the Primary clutch with it as well... Then you can easily sell the old, non-ES, primary for
at least $250 if it is decent condition... Which brings the cost of the ES KIT, with all new parts, down to less than $275.
A used kit without the ES primary should go for around $200 or less if all the brackets/nuts/bolts/and
other hardware is included and is in good shape and the seller wants to swap out the primary for your non ES.
Assuming that the sellers ES clutch is in good serviceable condition as is yours.
Any more than that, or no swap-out of the primary, and you should consider the new kit then sell your old primary.
Lead Acid (liquid acid) Batteries can't be shipped legally via the normal methods.
I know the people here at the local shipping depot... someone shipped a lead-acid battery in a box with other items.
The battery leaked and damaged not only what was in their box, but a fair amount of others and some equipment.
After the damage was assessed, and Haz-mat service fees were paid, the shipper was on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars..
Plus some legal issues : (
The proper Electric Start (ES) kit for the 600/800 PRO Chassis sleds is Polaris P/N 2879330.
CLICK HERE for full kit instruction .pdf with color photos. May be helpful for the removal. (3.5mb)
MSRP on this complete Kit is $599. You should be able to find it for less through online discount houses or Oregon Trail Sports.
Edit: OTS.. $520... for full kit all new with parts listed below.
You can get the full kit, brand new for $50 more than just the clutch alone!!
It includes all of the items in this list.
Although this is a photo of a complete Polaris IQ starter kit at Full list price of $599, it is typical of the contents of all Electric start kits soldELECTRIC START KIT
Application:All Polaris Pro-Ride Snowmobiles
Before you begin, read these instructions and check to be sure all parts and tools are accounted for.
Please retain these installation instructions for future reference and parts ordering information.
KIT P/N 2879330
Qty......Description.............................. ....................Part Number
1.........Asm Stud Plate............................................. 1017181
1.........Weld Battery Box..........................................10171 82
1.........Asm-Battery Box Bracket-Model: RMK........1017775
1.........Asm-Battery Box Bracket......................... 1017820
1.........Asm Stud Plate 60.96 mm............................1017255
1.........Asm-Pinion/Pinion Bracket...........................1204372
1.........Asm Drive Clutch ES ....................................1322800-SP
1.........Harness ES, DC-SDI Rush...........................2411513
1.........Circuit Breaker, 12 amp.................................2411592
1.........Cable, Battery/Solenoid................................2460393
1.........Switch, Magnetic.......................................... .4012358
1.........Cable, 1045 mm, Red...................................4013289
1.........Cable, 1335 mm, Black.................................4013290
1.........Asm-Starter Motor........................................40127 29
2.........Hook-”D”............................................... ........5224468
1.........Brkt, Elec Start/ Clip......................................5252966
1.........Brkt, Elec Start/ UCA Tube Upper................5254790
1.........Brkt, Elec Start/ UCA Tube Lower.................1018033
1.........Shield-Heat Battery.......................................5253 414
1.........Strap-Rubber............................................ ....5410608
1.........Shaft-Flex Starter..........................................6 230404
6.........Cable Tie............................................... ........7080138
1.........Clamp-Band, Narrow 70-90 mm...................7081279
4.........Nut, ¼-20 Nyloc............................................7 542153
6.........Nut, M6 x 1.0 FLG-NYLOC Olive..................7547339
5.........Rivet, 3/16-0.090-0.290................................7661637
1.........Tie Cable Press Mnt Blk................................7080999
2.........Screw HXFL M6 x 1 x 16 8.8........................7518548
3.........Screw M8 x 1.25 x 25...................................7518699
2.........Screw M6 x 1 x 30........................................7518993
2.........Bolt-M6x1.0x15, PH/TX.................................7518656
1.........Foam-Seal, Rear Cooler...............................5810947
2.........Strap Panduit 14”..........................................70807 61
1.........Clip Routing........................................... ........7670109
1.........Nut 1/4-20 Hex-Y...........................................754210 5
1.........Washer 1/4 Spring Lock-Y.............................7552801
5.........Rivet, 3/16-.090-.29......................................7661637
1.........Screw-Hxfl-M8x1.25.....................................751924 3
1.........Nut, M8x1.25 Flg...........................................7547 332
1 ........Bracket, Battery Box Front............................1018527
1.........Instructions............................ ........................9924156
You Will Need To Supply:
Battery (PN 4013045)
Clutch Puller (PN 2872085)
Strap Puller (PN 2870336)
Spring Puller
Flat Screwdriver
Metric Socket Set
Metric Wrench Set
Torque Wrench
Side Cutter
Large Phillips Screwdriver
Rivet Gun
6 mm Allen Wrench or Short Allen Socket
through Polaris accessories as a "KIT"
This one is part number 2877257

You CAN bolt a ring gear onto a non-ES primary. .... The mounting holes are there on the non-ES clutch - exact same part #.
In the spirit of getting accurate info out there... and not to "prove" anything.
No mounting holes on the back of a NON ES clutch...
The one shown here is a 2014 800 PRO RMK primary.. same on my 2013 and my buddies 2011 and 2012's.
The ES Primary has mounting boss's for the bolts and machined outer edge to accurately center the ring gear.
Not possible to mount a polaris ring gear to the non-es clutch.
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