Recieved this email asking for our support
"Utah Shared Access Alliance
PO BOX 50592
Provo, Utah 84605-0592
We just wanted to give you all a quick update on how the Stop SUWA Express is moving along. This afternoon we have been on the phone with key staff members of Congressman Bishop. They have welcomed our support in opposing this bill and we are communicating with them on a regular basis. USA-ALL will play a key role in stopping this bill by possibly testifying in the committee hearing, submitting written opposition for the record, assisting with strategic planning, organizing grass roots opposition, communicating information to the public, and placing political pressure in key places.
USA-ALL was created for the very purpose of stopping SUWA and their greedy wilderness grab. There is NOTHING of higher importance to us than stopping this bill. We will pull out all the stops for this one. We first learned of the bills progress on Late Thursday evening. We sent out our first alert to our entire email list late Friday (9/18/2009) afternoon. We wanted to let people know of the pending Utah wilderness bill and the urgency of stopping it now. We had been warning of this for years now. We also wanted people to know we are willing to do anything we can to stop this, but that we needed more funds to effectively combat it. We are after all fighting organizations that bring in millions of donated dollars every year. We intend to give this our undivided attention. We could use a little help taking care of a few other things. If you have time to help us please call: 801-830-9112.
As of midday on Monday September 21 we have received 32 separate donations in response to our Friday e-mail. We are so grateful to those who have given to us from this appeal or earlier appeals in the year. It is because of these generous individuals and businesses that a organization like USA-ALL can even function and be able to raise the warning and organize the opposition to closures and wilderness. To those who have donated, "THANK YOU!" We are however concerned at the weak response. We wonder why thousands more have yet to donate. We wonder why so many we speak to claim to care about access to public land and yet when we ask for money to finance the battle a very small percentage of those step up and help. We don't expect much. We are grateful if all you give is a few dollars. If 200,000 individuals give $2, we would have $400,000. You better believe we can do some good with that kind of funding.
USA-ALL will fight on so long as there is the will, but to speak very honestly we can't win a war this way. Shear will isn't sufficient to carry us. We can't effectively fight for access if we spend the bulk of our time trying to pay the power bill. In the past few years USA-ALL has lost some very committed and hard working board members, employees, volunteers, etc. Some of our losses have been because these folks feel like they are the only ones who care enough to fight. They work hard and get little support or thanks. Speaking personally I can tell you of the rollercoaster of emotions this type of work brings. I can tell you how difficult it is to stay energized. When we see donated money come in it gives us the drive to fight on because we see that others care. When donations dwindle so does our ability to fight and our drive to carry on. Our members must recommit themselves and get their friends and family to become involved. If not we will all lose. We are committed to our cause but we need committed donors. We need your help. Speaking plainly, those who use public land better wake up now and realize the seriousness of the threat and get involved by donating a little time and money. I positively guarantee that if they do not, we will lose access to millions of acres of stunning public land. Of course then we will all have more time to get involved. Because who wants to ride on a few confined trails with thousands of other off-roaders? Oh, and when we all sell our ATV's, jeeps, motorcycles, etc due to the lack of places to ride. we will then have the $30 to donate for a one year membership to USA-ALL, Oh and the OHV dealerships (see our newsletters those who advertise are those who support us) that can't afford to donate to USA-ALL now, well they will be out of business, so I guess either way they don't help. So if we lose this one we should all have more time and money to donate. But by then it will be too late. Step up now and we can win. Wait until tomorrow and we surely lose.
Seriously people I don't mean to be so cynical or negative but this is it. You have been warned. Huge Wilderness designations in our state will close access to the most valuable land in our state. It will deny us of recreational opportunity, It will deny us of resource development, It will deny us of sources to FUND UTAH'S PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM, It will place huge financial burdens on surrounding communities, It will deny land managers from truly managing land and resources. Is this what we as a society want?
You will have to decide. You will have to pressure your deadbeat friends who recreate at every opportunity but give nothing back to ensure other will have those same opportunities. You will have to go to your local OHV dealer and other related businesses and pressure them to donate and get involved. You will have to decide if this is something you care enough about to get involved by donating a little time and money. If we lose this battle it will be because our community didn't care enough to fight hard enough for what we all claim to love. If we lose it will because a small vocal, well funded, group of radical environmentalists cared more and worked harder than we did. I find this unacceptable. USA-ALL is taking a stand. We will fight. Will you stand with us?
To the 32 that recently donated, Thank you , Thank you, Thank you. We hope to see 3200 more step up and help. To do so click on any of the donate buttons in this email, you can also visit or and donate. Or you can call 801-830-9112 for other options.
Michael Swenson
Utah Shared Access Alliance
Donate Here
I hope all those that can donate will.
Think Snow - It won't be long.