The movie was okay but after 8 previous movies it was just more of the same. While I enjoy going and seeing everybody I think this will be my last year attending because it's just a rerun of the previous year.
No offense to the riders because they have mad skills that I dont even come close to and I have to give my hats off to them but here are some of my thoughts:
I agree with many of the previous statements. There needs to be a story or a evolution of sorts to keep people wanting to come back for more. Camcorders have gotten so good and so inexpensive I've seen footage on this very forum that rivals much of the movie with a high dollar budget. The helmet cams are becoming very good as well which makes for even more competition from the amateur film makers out there.
Much of the movie was overexposed or the projector was not adjusted correctly because a lot of the film was washed out and you couldn’t see definition between the snow and the sky in many shots.
Also, sometimes less is more. Why include the first 15 minutes of the film in there? It was just the teaser with some other fast edited shots that just became annoying. Also, what's up with the reverse film footage? Maybe once in a movie is okay but after a while it was just annoying to see the results first and then see how it happened. Again, I think the movie would have been much better with more editing and shortened to about an hour or hour and fifteen minutes.
However, I really enjoyed the powder and backcountry footage and some if it made me drool with envy. Some of the cinematography was gorgeous with the sun in the background and the snow crystals reflecting light and sparkling.
Overall, it was okay. If you have seen any of the previous Thunderstruck movies this is just more of the same and I'd save your money unless you really enjoy them.