The slope I was on had not had a mark all winter,when the slope released kept a tight grip on the bars with left hand , pulled the bag with the other.Was confident with speed that I could ride down it to the bottom,but 100' down slope ,3' wave boiled up in like 1 sec. it appeared that quick.Was full throttle at this point when I impacted the wave got my face slammed into the bars and blacked out.My partners up on the ridge said me and the sled flew 30' down the slope when at that point I was thrown in front of the slide and the sled blew right threw every thing and ended up upright down on flat terrain.When I come to, my legs were sucked under the slide.The wall of the toe of slide pushed on the bags and pushed me down the slope till it stops,it felt like it was pulling my bibs off.At that point 2 guys on the ridge were going to drop over to help me,one fellow told every body not to move as they could see the orange bags 1000' below and could see I was not buried.I was able to free myself got on my sled climbed out where it had already slid and joined my partners up on the ridge, the slide was 900'wide and ran for 800'.Had some sore spots mainly a banged up foot, one thing with the visabilty of the bags that kept my partners up on the ridge.That was my 4th winter wearing the ABS freeride and my advice to anybody wearing a airbag if you think your in trouble pull it,then try to ride out of it.I hope more sledders will start wearing airbags, when your buried you have just put your life in your riding partners hands. Have a save winter!