Had the sled three years use prestone 50/50 first year I owned the sled three months into riding it quit working. Boiled it and it opened at about 125. still had overheating issues. After removing the plastic on the back for kicks and giggles threw in a new thermostat and life's good. Figured it wasn't opening all the way. Half way through riding last year the thermostat grenaded and I thought I had all the pieces out but a small pin made it to the water pump and wrecked the impeller and plastic houseing. So wanted to rebuild it anyway. Put in new thermostat and rode another month. Now this weekend I am getting the sled ready for tomorrow. Life's good crusin in the pow and bam overheating. New themostat and problem solved. Wtf i know in the auto world a run of bad themostats happens but this seems silly. At least today when we lined up the 2012 800 pro, 2014 800 pro, and the 900 stayed together and pull out in front!!!