I honestly think the only way to solve the financial crisis is to allow everyone who is going to fail do just that, fail. The strong will come back and survive, they will find a way. The weak will just disappear. This is the way it should be if we want a strong country. You can't just keep going into debt in order to throw money at all these losers and crooks...........Grrrrr
If you go out sledding with say 6 guys and one of them has no gear, no food, no water, no tools to work on his sled and does not take care of and maintain his sled, guess what, that one guy drags down the entire group. If everyone got stuck or lost in a snowstorm those who were prepared would have to share with those who weren't and that could in some cases kill everyone. That is exactly what is going on in this country right now. Have no doubt, they are killing all of us............
In Vietnam I used to be part of a 5 man team that went out at night on surveillance. We would set up and just watch and report to the main part of our unit what we saw. If one of our team members sneezed, coughed or did some other crazy schit it could get all of us killed. That was some real schit, no room for screwups. This damm country of ours is full of screwups and they are getting us all killed...........