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The New New Thing


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
The Hobbit I think is the first fully 3D filmed movie using 5k technology

PLUS the audio is DOLBY ATMOS

So for those looking for the new new thing for video it's 5k and Dolby ATMOS

Filming THE HOBBIT with no less than 48 Red Epic cameras at 48fps in full 5k resolution might sound fantastic, but it hasn't all been a bed of cotton candy. Two 3D cameras need to be mounted at the same "interocular" (the inch-or-so distance between your eyes) which is impossible given the size of the Epic and its lenses. The team had to hire specialist firm 3ality to build a rig where one camera shoots the action and the other is pointed vertically at a mirror. Those who would love to shoot with an Epic should also beware that the cameras naturally desaturate the action to such an extent that the makeup, costume and set design teams have to over-color everything to look natural in post production.
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