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The moisture is out over the PACIFIC BUT where will it go?


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Weather patterns moving HUGE AMOUNTS of moisture to Oregon, Washington, and Canada.

If one of the storms hit SOCAL, CEntral Coast Kings canyon etc coupled with a cold front would result in many feet of snow for the SIERRA.

Computer models says next likely time is beginning of DECEMBER (Which is typical 2 week forecast this time of year)

It’s all about Blocking!!…….Chilly Weekend better for round the clock snow-making today into Saturday…..Milder Weather the end of the Weekend to be Followed by a Weak System Mid Week…..

Friday November 15, 2013

Posted at 9:29 am by Howard


Yes it’s all about blocking! Where the blocking sets up and how you relate geographically…..Simplistic but true….

It’s mid November and it is getting to be that time of year when forecast model accuracy takes a significant jump to the better. Over the past few weeks, medium and long-range guidance has been awful. It’s not the weathers fault, it’s the time of the year and the transition, to the ocean’s taking over as the thermal heat source with most gradient’s off shore now instead of over land. Over the next few weeks, forecasters will be able to tell what kind of animal we’ll be dealing with this winter. At least from a longer range perspective I think.

Getting back to blocking, for the past week high latitude blocking has been too far west at or beyond the dateline, conducive to storm energy reaching the central west coast. The flow has been split with that persistent Rex Block NNW of Hawaii and the upper cut off trapped underneath. However, mother Nature is going to be putting her peddle to the metal this weekend by blowing out the block and pushing the weakened cut off to the west coast Wednesday. This might bring us some light snowfall. More importantly…..This should open up the wavelength and allow western pacific to reach to the Eastern Pacific and be more consolidated. What happens afterwards is what is most important……

There has been a few ensemble members of late that are redeveloping the block in the long-range ”further east” which has wet possibilities for the central west coast. The Dweebs were counting on this over a week ago when it looked like a wet period for at least Northern Ca and heavy wet snow for the Central Sierra. Thus the Comments about the “AR” in many discussions. I think that because of what I have been seeing out over the pacific the past month that she may take another run at this pattern at the end of this month.
If Mother Nature takes another run at that pattern by the end of this month into Early December and if it sets up say another 1000 miles further east…..It would only take a short 3 day AR event to pile up so much snow on the mountain to last months….. I am including the AR type pattern in this sentence because I see the possibility of another REX Block developing again when the pattern resets in a couple of weeks. However, this time hopefully much further east.

Note: If we go back to the ridge and block further west again…. we will just go from one dry pattern to another.

The Dweebs will be watching to see what develops after the Central Pacific “Blow-Out” that will occur this weekend that will push the remains of the mid pacific cut off, though the west coast Wednesday, followed by a major transition in the pattern the end of this month. Chances are good, we will 1st experience the effects of the old Cut-Off low Wednesday followed by a subtropical-ridge that builds strongly the weekend of the 23rd. …….followed by a different WX Pattern the following week. IE. (End of the month)

Keep the faith as Winter is still well over a month away!

Dr Howard and the Dweebs………………………:-)
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.6MuuEXQn.dpuf
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Rubies getting snow tonight. Radar shows Shasta getting snow but webcam shows no snow at ski park on Shasta?
Don, the riding area on Shasta is much higher than the ski area. The first time I went to Shasta I thought it was going to be a bust because there was nothing below 7000', then when we hit the parking lot and there was like 4' of snow.

I can see Shasta from my parking lot at work and unfortunatley it looks pretty clear right now, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Don, the riding area on Shasta is much higher than the ski area. The first time I went to Shasta I thought it was going to be a bust because there was nothing below 7000', then when we hit the parking lot and there was like 4' of snow.

I can see Shasta from my parking lot at work and unfortunatley it looks pretty clear right now, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Most Storms have already passed thru California ... some small pockets around

New storm system 21 November
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A picture is worth a 1000 words

This screen is constantly updating so see the dates on the picture


LOW pressure systems in Canada pulling storm north until Colorado the south.

High pressure ridge in South west preventing colder air and storm to go south

ON a good note 1/2-2 inches H2O just north of TAHOE .... elevation will be high for snow above 7000 feet
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3 Storms this week ... 17-24 NOV

1st storm likely to pass over California

2nd storm to make it to TAHOE

3rd storm to slide down coast and MAYBE go inward around Bakersfield?

Tahoe to Mammoth about a foot total for the week. North of Tahoe 1-3 feet.

Confidence increase that some light snowfall now possible Tuesday into Wednesday with another system bringing some additional accumulation Thursday/NGT

Sunday November 17, 2013

Posted at 11:54 am by Howard

Sunday AM update:

OK….this is the latest….

Evidently there will be three waves that will effect California next week The first two will be associated the old mid pacific closed low that is getting the boot out of that area by a strong subtropical jet. There is quite the moisture plume associated with that jet, with PWAT of up to 1.5 inches. However this moisture will not have any dynamics associated with it………………….TOO BAD!

So what he have is a very moist air mass that will ride over cooler air currently in place. We call this (Isentropic Lift) in this case. Plus there is some of the natural orographics of the topography that well get us some light snowfall out of it. 2 to 4 inches possible by Wednesday. This amount may be increased as it gets closer. The 3rd wave is now in the cards as a more dynamic system that will spin up as the upper flow splits near the coast line…….then follow the coast SE to Southern Ca.

This system so far is not expected to cross the sierra, and instead follow the coast line SE. Most likely it will not be a big precip producer for Mammoth. However we will get some additional light accumulations. If the system decides to kick inland to the south of us near the Tehachapi’s, upslope snowfall would occur and would add to the previous amounts.

So for the time being Mammoth …..best guess between Monday Midnight to Thursday night at least 3 to 6 inches with the possibility of 6 to 10 inches if everything works out ok over the crest.

This is just an estimate. Will fine tune over the next few days……

For you folks in SO Cal….it is the 3rd system that could give LA some beneficial rains if the track remains SE down the coast Thursday Through Friday, It’s even possible that the system may get cut off all together over or near LA. More possibilities later as the model guidance improves and with more agreement.

Dr Howard and the Dweebs………………………………:-)
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.rb1n960J.dpuf
Multiple storms starting now till Saturday.

Foot or less south of Tahoe , Foot or more north of Tahoe

Snowing in Tahoe right now 19Nov 9PM PST

BUT there can be the occasional "upslope" dumping where a bunch of these scattered storms combine and take a big dumping

Castle Peak area may get 2 plus feet by Friday !
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Right now 19 Nov 11PM Stormimg Norcal thru Los Angeles to Friday.

Low pressure off San Francisco sliding down coast in the ocean.

low pressures spin counterclockwise creating moisture and dumping MOST in the ocean. (southeast of the low)

The energy from the storm will "splt" into Oregon then Idaho, NV UT and the rest
is suppose to track the shoreline then inland south of Los Angeles and cause a dumping in Arizona / New Mexico

Flagstaff AZ may get a dumpin 1-3 feet

If it comes onshore before Los Angeles it will cause more snow in the Sierras.

High pressure off Washington preventing more cold air so snow levels start at 6000-7000 feet.
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We are getting plenty of rain here in Marysville/Yuba city. Hopefully that will translate into some fluff up high.
We are getting plenty of rain here in Marysville/Yuba city. Hopefully that will translate into some fluff up high.

One of my best friends in the US Navy moved to Marysville after he got out in 85 or 86. Here married the daughter of the family who owned LIMS market in Marysville and said he was gonna be a cop while on the boat.

His name is James Patrick Christensen

Ive been out to the falls behind Beale and to Ten Buck Two!

I bought Artic Cat sleds just north of Beale at a tractor place and sled gear in town in person in Yuba City.

Snow levels are suppose to come down to 6000 feet with accumulation above 7000 feet
no snow here at the house, 6500 ft, south lake tahoe. about 500 feet up the ridge from me is the snow line. not doing anything now
Snow tonight 21 Nov especially south of Olancha Montain , Monache Meadow
North of Olancha measured in inches. South maybe in feet tonight

Next storm 27-30 NOV looks big but computer says most gonna DUMP IN THE OCEAN leaving a foot or so in California

Up to a foot of fresh has fallen on Old Woolly…….More on the way………

Thursday November 21, 2013

Posted at 9:08 am by Howard

Thursday AM Update:

Storm total as of this morning as reported by Mammoth Mountain was 7 to 11 inches….pretty much in line with what the Dweebs forecasted….which was 5 to 10 inches then increased to 8 to 12 inches yesterday AM.

We still may squeeze out another 2 to 4 inches from the next system as the flow at 700mh switches and becomes NE. This is the last in the series of short wave energy with this particular Trof. This last bit of energy has already formed a closed circulation at 700MB over Central CA. The upper low will become cut off top to bottom today as it spins up into a cut off low. So an upslope pattern will develop today in the cold air. The Dweebs note that the new 12z NAM shows 700RH blowing up this afternoon over the eastern slopes between mid afternoon and this evening. No doubt there will be at least a few more inches of snowfall here and there. The Dweebs are expecting another 2 to 4 inches by late tonight at Mammorth. The bulk for the precip from this system will be to the south of us with areas of the Owens Valley and Southern Sierra getting quite a bit of precip south of Olancha.

Looking Down the Road:

A fair weather ridge of high pressure aloft will build in Sunday into Monday keeping the weather fair Sunday through Tuesday. The next upstream system is associated with a weather pattern with blocking in the Gulf of AK and a subtropical ridge upstream east of the Hawaiian islands. The upper height anomalies are out of phase for a deep full latitude long wave. Thus with the next system for the middle of next week (The turkey system) No pun in tended, is currently being handled with uncertainty in mind. Last nights deterministic EC closed off the system, far enough off shore that the main area of precipitation remained off shore 27-30 NOV. This is not a progressive solution. However, if you look at the ECMWF ensemble members, they are more progressive and the GFS has been and is still progressive. So The Dweebs for the time being are into the new 12z GFS solution giving us the possibility of more snowfall Later Wednesday into Turkey Day. This is a decent storm with the possibility of a foot or better. Again, we are 6 days away from next Wednesday and things can change. This is an outlook not a forecast…… Will check and see what the new 12Z Thursday ECMWF has in it this afternoon when it comes out.

More later……………………..;-)

Dr Howard and the Dweebs………………………………..:-)
.- See more at: http://mammothweather.com/#sthash.9FqHHGB3.dpuf
^ surprised about that, because last night down in Reno snow started coming down good. Town pretty much blanketed today. Usually suspect more dumpage up higher but I guess that wasn't the case this time. Inversion?
Im surprised Reno got as much snow as it did, in comparison to higher elevation areas.

I think the multiple fronts collided and there was a path of snow from Carson to Utah ... looked like the Rubies got some.
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