I am saying this in response to the fact that the House GOP started with defund, then went to delays, then went to lets talk about it, and now are all lined up bent over with their pants around their ankles ready to take it from BO and Harry Reid!!!! I'm pissed that these spineless chicken $hit pu$$ies are the people we have sent to be our voice!!!!! John Boehner you are a piece of crap, backdoor bargaining for the government immunity from Obamacare, Mitch McConnell, either quit sucking Harry Reid's C$&K and be a Republican, or change sides and go join those fu$%in Dems so we can send some more Reps like Ted Cruz who will actually fight and fight and fight even when virtually his whole team has abandoned him, or never really even got behind him to start. Because that is what he told his voters he would do. All these Fu$%ing old time been in Washington to long self serving piece of $hit GOP members need to be sent packing. At least the fu$%ing Dems will stand their ground and fight tooth and nail for what they want, gotta give em that much. 90% of the Fu$%ing GOP members pi$$ down their leg and turn and run just at the sight of the Dem leadership. I'm done voting GOP, if their is an independant I am gonna vote for them, if their is no independant then I will write somebody in. I know it is gonna be a waste of vote, but so is a GOP vote anymore!!!!