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The Fine Line (Avalanche film)


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
NW Montana
This is an avalanche film of a different nature. It is done differently than what we've seen in the past. I do have a couple of issues with things in it. One item was a person saying to call for help right away, when we know that we must not waste time as we are a buried victim's best chance of survival.

It features mostly skiers and boarders, but does have a couple of sled shots in it. It shows some wicked stuff from those skiers and boarders. Definitely hucking it out there!

The first part of this is kind of like an extreme film of these guys, and gal, doing their thing in the backcountry. I enjoyed watching that.

Added in, is some personal accounts of being buried....as well as avy footage. I think we ALL need to hear more of these personal stories. It really puts you in that place, and makes you think. Obviously not everyone lives through avalanches, but getting the story out from those that do survive can really drive the point home about being safe and making smart decisions.

The 2nd part of the film is a four part education feature. It was done very well by knowledgeable avalanche educators. Even these guys who are labeled as experts say they are STILL learning. It is something to continue getting education on, and learning about. If you choose "Play All", it will have the first part, then have a credits section, then go into the education portion....so don't shut if off when the credits start rolling.

This is is NO way meant to take the place of taking a course and getting hands on training, but it is a good tool to draw from. It was well worth the money spent to purchase it. I will be watching it again, now that the initial viewing of something presented in a different manner is out of the way...and I'm sure I'll pick up more from it the 2nd, 3rd, etc times I view it.


Modding mini's
Lifetime Membership
Jul 5, 2001
Twin Rivers
I've watched it a few times during Avy courses and the like. Enjoyed it very much, i do believe the best thing is to assign individuals with certain tasks. Like call for help, start of probe line, etc etc
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