Socialism/Capitalism It all boils down to POWER. Capitalism brings wealth to individuals who work hard while socialism brings wealth to those in control who lie to get elected. In almost every case, capitalism yields more wealth for an individual than what the individual can possibily use so CHARITY, which a function of moral values based on religion should go hand in hand with capitalism.
Socialists recognized this decades ago and trampled private charity by eliminating the free exercise of religion and by inserting the government as the largest charitable organization which then gets them re-elected over and over.
That puts a majority of non-producers in charge of the producers. As more an more people realize that life is MUCH easier as a non-producer, there are fewer and fewer people left to produce for more and more dead-beats.
That is why socialism ultimately FAILS! That is why the USSR collapsed. EU and USA socialists already see this coming and they are trying ANYTHING they can to hang on to their power including the FRAUDULENT attempt to blame global warming on human CO2 which extends their control over production because most all forms of production require boodles of ENERGY from electricity to farming to steel production - you name it.
Throw ALL of these lying scumbags out of office NOW before things get any worse! Ten years of global COOLING with maybe another ten on the way, along with the bio-fuel SCAM that will certainly starve the 3rd world, (what socialists want in order to reduce their population and keep them from using their own resources!), ought to be enough to convince people that it's all a big LIE.