This IS the reality of our sport. Bags aside.... Ask yourself a couple of questions:
1. How well do you know the guys you ride with? How many guys in your group know how to use what they ride with? And I am not saying they read directions. Truly know, and used the equipment, practiced multiple times. When is the last time you have done a probe grid search? Do you know what it is? Do your buddies? Have you ever timed your buddies looking for a buried beacon? Cost: Free
2. Do you have a plan if something to happen? Do you have a backup plan? Do you know who would take charge? Who is the backup in case the guy who is typically in charge is under the snow? Where is all the AVI gear located in your backpack? Is it easily accessible? What about your buddies? Every second counts, when the heart beat is under the snow. Cost: Free
3. How many know how to revive a person, know how to do CPR, and take necessary steps when (not if) someone gets hurt? Cost: American Cross CPR Class $55. Wilderness first aid class $250 -$300
Don't go riding thinking you know that your buddies know what they are doing. Don't you truly need to know you can trust them with your life? You guys should be a well oiled machine and know what needs to happen, BEFORE it happens.
Snowmobilers are leading cause in avalanche deaths today, but we don't have to be tomorrow.
Think before you ride! Thanks Mountainhorse!
Dan Adams