That's funny because wasn't it you who just a few days ago on another thread that was trying to say I didn't know what I was talking about??? You sure sounded like a know it all that day with your tough guy talk. Go figure, just another know it all kid that still hasn't figured out why you were born with two ears but only one mouth.
Pm'd ya, douchebag.
I didn't think an 850 with more power would be the route the new engine goes, more so a refined & reliable 800, maybe we're getting both? That would be great. Hopefully it's gonna be in a shortened up chassis, with a few pounds dropped maybe, probably not. That'd be alright if it's different and works well. Like they said, the rush is supposedly 90-some-% different! why wouldn't the RMK get the same changes now and they all get a better 800, and a Razr engine too for 700 class competition. Turbos wouldn't be far behind (aftermarket anyway).
Can we try to be constructive and more like your screen-name, and less like a playground loudmouth?