Well-known member
Dear Forest User:
This letter is in response to the many inquiries for over-snow motorized access on the Pleasant Grove Ranger District. Specifically, the area north of Silver Lake Flat and east of Lone Peak Wilderness. This area was closed to over-snow motorized access in 2003, with the revision of the 2003 Uinta National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (2003 Forest Plan). This revision process was documented in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) dated May 2003. Through this process, allocations among motorized and non-motorized recreation across the Uinta National Forest were determined for both winter and summer use.
As summarized in the Executive Summary for the FEIS (pg. 25 and 30), a majority of the Uinta National Forest (~660,350 or about 73%) is open to over-snow motorized vehicle use. However, some areas, not previously closed to over-snow motorized access (snowmobiles), were closed by the direction in the 2003 Forest Plan. The 2003 Forest Plan FEIS did not identify a reason for each individual area’s management; however, the intent was to maintain opportunities for different types of recreation settings across the Forest.
The 2003 Forest Plan sets the direction for our management of the Uinta National Forest. In the 2003 Forest Plan, this area was assigned Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) Class Semi-Primitive-Non-Motorized which is closed to motorized over-snow recreation. Only for emergency or administrative purposes is over-snow motorized travel permitted in this ROS. The forest will continue to follow the management direction in the 2003 Forest Plan. This area will remain closed to over-snow motorized access.
Please contact Larry R. Velarde, Pleasant Grove District Recreation Staff Officer, at (801) 785-3563 with any additional questions.
/s/ Sylvia G. Clark
District Ranger
They forgot to mention that out of the 73% of the area that is open to sleds, 40% of it can be accessed by a sled and of that 40% only 15% of it is worth a darn for sledding as far as snow quality and favorable sledding terrain...so that leaves us with 4.38% of quality riding areas in the Unitah National Forest, thanks but no thanks F.S!!!
This letter is in response to the many inquiries for over-snow motorized access on the Pleasant Grove Ranger District. Specifically, the area north of Silver Lake Flat and east of Lone Peak Wilderness. This area was closed to over-snow motorized access in 2003, with the revision of the 2003 Uinta National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (2003 Forest Plan). This revision process was documented in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) dated May 2003. Through this process, allocations among motorized and non-motorized recreation across the Uinta National Forest were determined for both winter and summer use.
As summarized in the Executive Summary for the FEIS (pg. 25 and 30), a majority of the Uinta National Forest (~660,350 or about 73%) is open to over-snow motorized vehicle use. However, some areas, not previously closed to over-snow motorized access (snowmobiles), were closed by the direction in the 2003 Forest Plan. The 2003 Forest Plan FEIS did not identify a reason for each individual area’s management; however, the intent was to maintain opportunities for different types of recreation settings across the Forest.
The 2003 Forest Plan sets the direction for our management of the Uinta National Forest. In the 2003 Forest Plan, this area was assigned Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) Class Semi-Primitive-Non-Motorized which is closed to motorized over-snow recreation. Only for emergency or administrative purposes is over-snow motorized travel permitted in this ROS. The forest will continue to follow the management direction in the 2003 Forest Plan. This area will remain closed to over-snow motorized access.
Please contact Larry R. Velarde, Pleasant Grove District Recreation Staff Officer, at (801) 785-3563 with any additional questions.
/s/ Sylvia G. Clark
District Ranger
They forgot to mention that out of the 73% of the area that is open to sleds, 40% of it can be accessed by a sled and of that 40% only 15% of it is worth a darn for sledding as far as snow quality and favorable sledding terrain...so that leaves us with 4.38% of quality riding areas in the Unitah National Forest, thanks but no thanks F.S!!!