Active member
Hey TM 2, would this be my seat that I ordered from you in September last year? The one that you kept saying was done and then wasn't done? Was shipped and then when it didn't show up you said it was still in production? Eventually when I thought I was smart by asking for a refund little did I know that it still was not over! Lies over and over with no end in site. Thought you might man up and get me my money before I go back to Iraq. Guess not!Here's one for ya...Was talkin to one of the Boss boys today and mentioned that they needed to get on Snowest and let ppl know that they are lowering their seat prices next year...(YEAH!!!!!)Then i asked him what he thought about this Team2 Guy and if he had any problems with him this year...Holy CHIT he went off about how he can NEVER get him on the phone and he has a seat sitting there for a guy who paid Team2 for it but Team2 never paid Boss and this guy has no money and no seat.....HMMMMM this sounds like not only is Team2 screwing regular customers but he is screwing his distributers too. Um note to self ....Team2 I don't think your a Boss dealer anymore or a Klim dealer for that matter Oh and I am working on WPS Cuz this is BULLCHIT!!!! You need a new job dude you SUCK at this!!!! Customers come first and if you haven't figured that out yet then you need to QUIT!
Go ahead and write your excuses, I will never, ever believe a single word you say after what you have done. Almost 9 months now! Wish I had been an active member on here 9 months ago.