Have any of you heard of the 912 Project? www.912project.com.
I have found a very disturbing fact while trying to enlighten the masses on the injustices happening here in the west with all the land closure bills and the resemblence of the Wild Lands Project. Of all my posts on the vent section and the www.billoreilly.com blog I have only received one reply from someone from Butte that was against logging.???
We need to take our side of the story to the rest of the US. Remember that the West holds the majority of the US public land and natural resources that at our current direction is under utilized and under managed.
1. Our user groups are dropping in numbers. Why? There are plenty of reasons but I believe that some of us think we know it better than anyone else and that disagreement with one entity or the other is good enough reason to cut our own throats. If your a lineman playing football, do you let the opposing lineman smear your quarterback just because you don't like him? Or do you protect him because you want the team to get to the title game? As we draw our memberships down from our local, state and national organizations we are letting the defense thru to smear our quarterback without even a touch. The game will not be won!
2. We are not on the national radar!!!! Go to the 912 project and check it out. Though we hold the majority of the public land, we are by far a small population base and the injustices of SB 22, HB 908 and all the other land lock bills are not getting any media attention. We need to stay involved with SAWS, Snowest Forum, BRC, and our local clubs but we also need people to get some active threads going on this new media and let the rest know just how devasting the anti-logging, anti-farming, anti-recreation and wildlife protectionist bills are unhealthy for the entire country. The 912 project is more than just taxes and government control of the economy. Join me on vent and lets take the message of West to the Rest!
3. Many of us have been willing to elect the liberal or conservative centered officials to all levels of our government. We have to realize that this isn't working. It is time to start thinking about the next election in 2010 and get true conservatism back in the game. Smaller government, less spending, less taxing and yes, less land locks and more production. I have been saying it for at least 2 years now; the party line is what matters. The liberal party line of the dems is what we are getting. The turn away from the conservative ideals by the repubs is alive and well. We have to start looking at the canidates for our county commissioners, state officials, Governor and federal seats and get the grassroots going to vote for the real change we need to make America thrive as a democracy. I know we all politically drained, but we stop now, we will all be living in the city, riding the buses and working for the government in the future unless we hold our elected officials to the standard our Fathers granted and recognized when they wrote the constitution.
4. Without out the united stance, protecting the quarterback, the UN led Wildlands Project is becoming a reality. IT IS!!!!!
So lets take the WEST to the REST and take all the great involvement from the Snowest Forum to the912project.com and lets change our government makeup every chance we get during the elections and lets JOIN the groups that buld our OFFENSIVE LINE!
Email me with any comments at mtsnowman@snowtana.com
I have found a very disturbing fact while trying to enlighten the masses on the injustices happening here in the west with all the land closure bills and the resemblence of the Wild Lands Project. Of all my posts on the vent section and the www.billoreilly.com blog I have only received one reply from someone from Butte that was against logging.???
We need to take our side of the story to the rest of the US. Remember that the West holds the majority of the US public land and natural resources that at our current direction is under utilized and under managed.
1. Our user groups are dropping in numbers. Why? There are plenty of reasons but I believe that some of us think we know it better than anyone else and that disagreement with one entity or the other is good enough reason to cut our own throats. If your a lineman playing football, do you let the opposing lineman smear your quarterback just because you don't like him? Or do you protect him because you want the team to get to the title game? As we draw our memberships down from our local, state and national organizations we are letting the defense thru to smear our quarterback without even a touch. The game will not be won!
2. We are not on the national radar!!!! Go to the 912 project and check it out. Though we hold the majority of the public land, we are by far a small population base and the injustices of SB 22, HB 908 and all the other land lock bills are not getting any media attention. We need to stay involved with SAWS, Snowest Forum, BRC, and our local clubs but we also need people to get some active threads going on this new media and let the rest know just how devasting the anti-logging, anti-farming, anti-recreation and wildlife protectionist bills are unhealthy for the entire country. The 912 project is more than just taxes and government control of the economy. Join me on vent and lets take the message of West to the Rest!
3. Many of us have been willing to elect the liberal or conservative centered officials to all levels of our government. We have to realize that this isn't working. It is time to start thinking about the next election in 2010 and get true conservatism back in the game. Smaller government, less spending, less taxing and yes, less land locks and more production. I have been saying it for at least 2 years now; the party line is what matters. The liberal party line of the dems is what we are getting. The turn away from the conservative ideals by the repubs is alive and well. We have to start looking at the canidates for our county commissioners, state officials, Governor and federal seats and get the grassroots going to vote for the real change we need to make America thrive as a democracy. I know we all politically drained, but we stop now, we will all be living in the city, riding the buses and working for the government in the future unless we hold our elected officials to the standard our Fathers granted and recognized when they wrote the constitution.
4. Without out the united stance, protecting the quarterback, the UN led Wildlands Project is becoming a reality. IT IS!!!!!
So lets take the WEST to the REST and take all the great involvement from the Snowest Forum to the912project.com and lets change our government makeup every chance we get during the elections and lets JOIN the groups that buld our OFFENSIVE LINE!
Email me with any comments at mtsnowman@snowtana.com
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