Sure would be nice if Poo was more open about their "issues" on the Pro. I don't buy the bolt is breaking from tunnel flexing. That shaft assembly is massively stronger than the tunnel. You could take a sledgehammer to the inside of that tunnel and even a grade 5 bolt wouldn't fail. Even beating on the lower pulley itself would be really hard to get that bolt to fail INSIDE the shaft. Also, that sled was ridden out at least 5 miles with no bolt. Doesn't add up...
My point exactly Matte. The force required to break that bolt with a single strike would be huge but multiple smaller strikes could cause the failure over time.
I doubt the belt is strong enough to break it in that direction too. The top pulley will take any outward force from the belt because the outer guide flange is on it.
So here's my theory from reading in between the lines and things I felt on mine from the season.
The biggest difference in structure between the 13 shaft to 12 shaft IMO is the aluminum end on the clutch side. We've seen some failures here where the shaft came loose and worn to a smaller diameter.
My sled developes a noticable vibration through my feet that comes and goes. Read of others noticing this too. My vibration can happen on a high speed trail run with little or no snow in the tunnel or in waist deep snow where you don't even see the tunnel.
This vibration that comes and goes has caused me no issues other than it is noticeable, not right and I haven't been able to put my finger on it yet.
I think the drive shaft is pulling out of this bearing slightly (causing the vibration I feel) and snapping back in making things feel good again. I think the snapping back is causing the bolt failures and contributed to the failures of the other end stud (like a slide hammer). I think the reason for this is the difference in expansion rates of the aluminum end and the steel inner race. I think the press fit design is inadequate here unless bonding is used too. I think I'll install a bolt and washer on this end to retain the inner race to the shaft for next year. I think I won't know if I'm right till next year lol.
Lot of "I thinks" but that's the definition of theory and my theory at least until something comes up that makes sence to me.
The lower bolt is breaking but not coming loose. The upper bolt is loosening but not breaking. That's why I don't buy the loss of torque theory.