Ummmm, no!
If monies tight then I'd say you could probably goobe some high temp gas/oil compatible silicone gasket sealer in there and run it until you can afford replacements, the ones I just pulled from my 01 Summit have no gap but there are some little cracks around the edges and at the middle joint between the two reed petal halves, like in your pictures, just no gap at all.
Running those for a short time may not actually harm anything, and the volitalization (sp?) of your air/fuel mix wont be optimum, but I don't think it's gonna burn your engine down or anything, then again, I'm not a professional mechanic, just a guy with wrenches and more time than money.
The way I understand it to work is the air gets sucked into the carbs, the incoming air picks up fuel at rates that are metered by your pilot jet, main jet, and needle taper, this air/fuel mix then accelerates as it gets sucked through the carbs and into the reed valves where it is further mixed and airisolized (sp?, mixed) into an air/gas vapor. The finer this vapor, the more easily it is fully combusted in your cylinder giving more power output with each explosion. As the air/fuel mix passes into the engine it picks up it's oil (lubricating) ratio before it is sucked into the compression chamber for combustion. Therefore if a good portion of the iar/fuel mix is being allowed past the mixing portion (the reed valves) then you will have a not so well mixed air/fuel ration and a weaker less powerful combustion. Probubly won't toast your engine for a brief time but not optimum.
That's how I think of it anyway, hope that helps.