I just bought a holdover '08 Nytro MTX that I'm trying to get broke in for boost this summer.
My plan is to boost (probably Powderlites, SII) and change tracks, changing the skid will have to wait...enough money spent.
I was planning for a 15x2.5.x162 CE, but am now thinking of a 174 since we boondock alot in deep loose snow. Maybe a 174 won't matter as much with big HP, opinions please. I like the idea of saving money with the 162, in that no tunnel extension is needed.
Other Plans / Questions:
-With all I've read it sounds like Avids (7 tooth right?) are a must on boost...is this true?
-Is an Anti stab kit really necessary with stock rails and just an extension?
-It sounds like I'll need stiffer springs for sure?
-19T top gear with Powderlites proscribed clutching?
-Vent clutches.
Any advice or constuctive comments are greatly appreciated. This is a big project for me on a limited budget so I don't want to mess it up.
Thanks guys.
My plan is to boost (probably Powderlites, SII) and change tracks, changing the skid will have to wait...enough money spent.
I was planning for a 15x2.5.x162 CE, but am now thinking of a 174 since we boondock alot in deep loose snow. Maybe a 174 won't matter as much with big HP, opinions please. I like the idea of saving money with the 162, in that no tunnel extension is needed.
Other Plans / Questions:
-With all I've read it sounds like Avids (7 tooth right?) are a must on boost...is this true?
-Is an Anti stab kit really necessary with stock rails and just an extension?
-It sounds like I'll need stiffer springs for sure?
-19T top gear with Powderlites proscribed clutching?
-Vent clutches.
Any advice or constuctive comments are greatly appreciated. This is a big project for me on a limited budget so I don't want to mess it up.
Thanks guys.