Take off bar ends then remove brake. Loosen throttle block and move as far in as possible. Take an air compressor with a blower nozzle and stick the nozzle between the bar and the grip. blast air and pull grip off. My grip was off in literally les than 5 seconds.I used a heat gun to heat up the bar warmers. Hand warmers came off really nice, they are still fine. Once the warmers are off unbolt the bars from the post using the 10mm wrench to break nuts free. now you will be able to move the bars over the top of the sled and since the warmer is off, you can slide the throttle off the bar and don't have to mess with taking the cable off the block. That clip that holds it in the block is tiny and is gauranteed to piss you off. When putting the new bars on I undid the cross bar and routed the throttle cable through the middle just like was done on pro tapers from factory. Once the bars are on, put all controlls back on, THEN the hand warmers. Here I just heated the bars up the the heat gun, shot a little heat at the warmers and put them back on