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Susitna Area Plan & Susitna Forestry Guidelines Revision - PUBLIC SCOPING MEETINGS

Mar 24, 2009
Susitna Area Plan & Susitna Forestry Guidelines Revision - PUBLIC SCOPING MEETINGS

Here's another DNR planning meeting we need to attend guys and stay vigilant. It's a never ending battle and we need all the soldiers we can muster and bring plenty of ammo. Plan to attend one of these meetings and let your friends know also. Representative Mark Neuman sent me this public announcement since he's one of the good guys on our side in fighting to protect our access. Here's the public notice.

I won't be able to make the Wasilla meeting but should make the Willow meeting.

See you there,

Mel Grove

Susitna Area Plan and Susitna Forestry Guidelines Revision - Public Scoping Meetings

Category: Public Notices Department: Natural Resources
Publish Date: 03/24/2009 Location: Statewide
Coastal District: N/A

Body of Notice:

The Department of Natural Resources is starting to revise two plans dealing with state land in the Susitna Valley, the Susitna Area Plan and the Susitna Forestry Guidelines. We are conducting public meetings in key communities within the region to find out how you use state land, how you would like to see them used in the future, and concerns regarding the use of these lands. These meetings are being held in conjunction with the Matanuska-Susitna Borough as they continue to develop their Forest Management Plan (FMP) and Natural Resource Management Unit Plans (NRMUP) for borough land.

The 1985 Susitna Area Plan (SAP) has guided land use on most of the state land within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough for over 20 years. The portion of that plan currently being revised is the west side of the Susitna Valley; the highway corridor from the Talkeetna Y to the borough boundary just south of Cantwell (this includes the land north of Talkeetna accessible via the railroad); the Talkeetna and Chugach mountains and the highway corridor from Palmer to the borough boundary 40 miles west of Glennallen. Land within the borough boundary that is excluded from this planning area is the land encompassed by the Hatcher Pass Management Plan, Southeast Susitna Area Plan and Knik River Public Use Area. Also excluded are lands in the Lake Louise region and the area north of the Nelchina Public Use Area; these will be dealt with in a future planning effort. The area of the SAP that is currently being revised will be called the Susitna-Matanuska Area Plan (SMAP).

There are 11 million acres of land within the area plan boundary and 9 million of these are state owned. Since 1985 the legislature has designated 3 million acres as special purpose lands such as the Nelchina Public Use Area and the Susitna Recreation Rivers. There have also been land conveyances to the borough, Mental Health Trust, University and private individuals and this plan will not affect these lands. These and other changes to the state's population and economy make it desirable to revise the plan to reflect current conditions.

Planning is a way of sorting through the possibilities for using state land, choosing those with the greatest benefits for all Alaskans, and involving the public in the process. The planning process provides a link between the citizens and the agencies charged with managing their land.

Developing plans for state land is challenging because people have differing ideas of how state land can best be used. Also, not all desired uses of state land are compatible in the same place at the same time. Through resource planning, DNR works with the public to determine where the important resources are and how the land can be used for the maximum public benefit. In the planning process all resources are considered and evaluated. Wherever possible, guidelines are established that allow for multiple use.

Those state lands where forestry is a designated use in the SMAP are managed under the detailed guidance of the 1991 Susitna Forestry Guidelines (SFG). These guidelines also apply to state lands with a forestry designation covered by the Southeast Susitna Area Plan. The guidelines describe the requirements for managing timber and for mitigating impacts to other resources and land uses when timber is harvested from state lands. The guidelines' goal is to manage state-owned forest lands so they provide a balanced, sustained yield of public benefits. Increased firewood demand and growing interest in biomass energy from state lands are two topics that need attention. We want to hear what you think needs to be considered when managing state-owned forest lands.

The Mat-Su Borough is simultaneously going through a similar process in developing their Natural Resource Management Unit Plans, which consists of two parts. The first is policies and guidelines for various resources, including forest resources, public recreation and tourism, fish and wildlife, wetlands, stream corridors, riparian areas, materials and trails. The second part is applying those polices and guidelines for 19 Natural Resource Management Units that were identified for potential forest management and timber harvest activities during an earlier process that was completed in 2008.

The state and borough desire your input throughout the planning process. The following open houses have been scheduled to solicit your comments and input. Representatives from all three planning processes will be there to gather information and answer questions. A formal presentation will take place approximately one hour from the start of the open house to explain the planning process. Please come to:

GLACIER VIEW- Tuesday, April 14 from 1-4 pm at Long Rifle Lodge, Mile 102 Glenn Highway

SUTTON- Tuesday, April 14 from 5-9 pm at Sutton Public Library, Mile 0.1 Jonesville Road

WILLOW- Wednesday, April 15 from 5-9 pm at Willow Community Center, Mile 70 Parks Highway

WASILLA- Thursday, April 16 from 5-9 pm at Cottonwood Public Safety Building (Fire Station 65), intersection of Seward Meridian and the Palmer-Wasilla Highway

ANCHORAGE- Tuesday, April 21 from 5-9 pm at the Atwood Building, 550 West 7th Ave., Suite 240

TALKEETNA- Wednesday, April 22 from 5-9 pm at Talkeetna Elem. School, 13798 E Veterans Way

TRAPPER CREEK- Thurs., April 23 from 5-9 pm at Trapper Creek Elem. School, 6742 Petersville Rd.

More information (and map) can be found on the Internet at: http://dnr.alaska.gov/mlw/planning
Although there will be several "official" periods when public comments are sought, please feel free to contact us at anytime regarding these updates. For the Susitna-Matanuska Area Plan contact:

Ray Burger
DNR, Division of Mining, Land and Water Resource Assessment and Development Section
550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1050
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3579
(907) 269-8534 or Fax: (907) 269-8915

For the Susitna Forestry Guidelines contact:

Jim Schwarber
DNR, Division of Forestry
3700 Airport Road
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709
(907) 451-2704 or Fax: (907) 451-2690

For the Mat-Su Borough NRMUP and Forest Management Plan contact either:

Ron Swanson
11036 Katlian Drive
Eagle River, Alaska 99577
(907) 242-9779 or Fax: (907) 694-9564
or: Debby Broneske
MSB, Land and Resources
350 East Dahlia
Palmer, AK 99645
(907) 745-9863 or Fax: (907) 745-9635

The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aides, services or special modifications to participate in the review may contact the above number, email or the TDD 269-8411.

Revision History:
03/24/2009 04:03:11 PM by ccrecknagle/10/State/Alaska/US
$$WebClient [Anon]


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Greatpost Halibut!!! Guys, Now is the time to step and be counted. It does no good to whine after the fact. You need to attend these meeting. Try to hit them more then once as well if you can. The feds noticed for sure when the same faces down here showed up at multiple venues. They commented that "you guys must really care about this". Dont think that letter writing carries the same weight as a live body at a meeting. Get involved.
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