Someone on my Facebook page said the special had been canceled but I didn't like the site he used (it looked a little "off") so I Googled it and found this. I had TiVo'd a Fox "special programming" at 6 or 7 p.m. MT last Sunday, and saw when the time came that it turned into a re-run of Hannity and the "special programming" titled changed to "Hannity" on TiVo. Wonder if it had to do with the gag order posted above. However, it MAY have been a repeat of the Oct 2008 special, which now that Obama is POTUS his threats carry more weight, but as a Senator maybe not??
You can see the special in six segments on YouTube. Pretty creepy seeing it now that he's been trying to run the country (into the ground) the last eight months. The links still work for me.
The truth or fiction article said that Fox hasn't gotten back to them about it yet. "The investigation team is awaiting a response from Fox News." I didn't hear Hannity advertise it or Fox advertise it, but that might make sense if it was a re-run?
The other weird thing in the OP was that it mentions "Hannity and Colmes" which hasn't existed for awhile now since Colmes left to do Fox radio and it's just called "Hannity" now. Hmmmmm. It'll be interesting to hear what response ToF gets back from Fox.
Canceled Hannity Obama Special
DID Air In October 2008
Note - This is errantly being reported as a 'new' documentary with Hannity.
Fox did cancel its announced run on Sunday but, in fact, the program would have
been a rerun. Does that mean pressure was not put on Fox to cancel it? No. However, the program
did air 10 months ago according to the YouTube descriptive material that accompanies it.
Many of you have asked what happened to the Hannity special on Obama. It is below. Watch it quickly, I expect Obama will order YouTube to take it from their servers as soon as he knows it's out there. I don't know how to download it to a hard drive. If anyone does, please share with the rest of us.
Thought you might be interested as to what happened to the much touted Hannity expose' on Obama that was never shown, AND NOT EVEN MENTIONED last Sunday evening on FOX. Well here it is in its entirety, all 6 segments, apparently leaked onto YouTube. No announcement or mention about it by FOX.
The NETWORK must have had good reason to walk away after the obvious expenses of production and all the hype that preceded it. Yes, the program was not aired Sunday so it was Googled and found the segments had been taken off of the internet as well.
Wonder who did this ? Wonder who blocked this ?
Is this our NEW Government 'protecting' us?
Here are the 6 segments if they haven't been removed before you get to them.