Hey Y'all, Just a quick note to see if I can get a dimension from you guys. I need the ctc of the mounting holes on a 07 Summit 151 skid. I'm long-tracking my MXZ with a skid I picked up. Thanks in advance!!
Sorry I hadn`t had a chance to measure ctc for ya but I just read your starting post again and I realized the 07` part which is different then my 04
In 06 I beleive they changed the length of the front arm so the ctc change If I remember correctly the front arm location hole is farther forward cause the arm is longer.
if you compare the 2 different era of arms you`ll see the arm got longer cause they added a welded on bracket to extend the arm lengh to a bolt thru and inner nut type mount ahead of where the cross shaft would of originally been hard to explain but this is what the skid I had was It came out of an
`06 Summit X model 159 R/T 1000
I had this summit rear skid in my 97 summit mod sled and the measurement was 32inchs Is what I got for a measurement when I mounted it in that sled, I had it marked on yardstick and seen it in my shed today saying 06ctc 32inchs
Alright, I have another question for you guys. The shaft in the rear arm of the 151" skid (the one that would be between the torsion springs), I need that length. So, hopefully someone has their skid dropped and can get me that length.
Hello, what do ya mean? can you explain better, do you need the length of the cross shaft from side to side of the tunnel at the upper arm mount? or what. or the distance from the upper front arm mount back to the upper rear arm or scissor mount cause that one is 32inchs. (front tunnel to drop bracket).
Cool, the bolt that go thru the arm mounts are a 10mm thread by either 1.25 or 1.50 thread. pretty sure it the 1.5.
Post some pic of what you doing or your sled we all love to see progress pics
My sled is all blacked out but I love the skidoo Yellow and especially the 07 XRS so I traded my front bumper and side panels for a set of XRS Yellow bumper and side panels will be meeting up and trading them this weekend at the Spokane Snow Show