Well-known member
I have the Polaris Gas Can Rack. What have you guys found for a can that fits in it pretty well so that it doesn't have a lot of room to move around? I have one that is a 2 gallon and it is a little too small, and I don't really want to fabricate a block or something to make it fit. A larger can would be the best solution.
Rode about 180 miles in Northern Maine...mostly breaking trail in 1 to 1.5 ft. of powder. Sled worked well. People who are worried about overheating...didn't seem to be much of an issue for me. I only got it up to 150 or so once and that was in a very small trail climbing over blowdowns and such for a mile or so. I even had to run a few miles of plowed, icy road and with the scratchers down the temp stayed at 127. The sliders seem to be more sensitive than the engine temp. I felt them get a little sticky a few times. Hopefully they just needed to be broken in a bit and will get better.
Power wasn't overwhelming coming from a 2008 Renegade with an 800R, but the Renegade was only a 1.25" track so that Comp Track is probably soaking up a lot of power. Handling is good in deep snow but it's quite a beast to wrestle in small trails where you are in someone else's track! Turning is optional. I suppose that is to be expected with a 155" track. Suspension felt good, quite stiff compared to the Renegade but I like that for drifted out lakes and ungroomed areas other sleds have been in...and I don't find stiff suspension too often weighing 240 lb.
Rode about 180 miles in Northern Maine...mostly breaking trail in 1 to 1.5 ft. of powder. Sled worked well. People who are worried about overheating...didn't seem to be much of an issue for me. I only got it up to 150 or so once and that was in a very small trail climbing over blowdowns and such for a mile or so. I even had to run a few miles of plowed, icy road and with the scratchers down the temp stayed at 127. The sliders seem to be more sensitive than the engine temp. I felt them get a little sticky a few times. Hopefully they just needed to be broken in a bit and will get better.
Power wasn't overwhelming coming from a 2008 Renegade with an 800R, but the Renegade was only a 1.25" track so that Comp Track is probably soaking up a lot of power. Handling is good in deep snow but it's quite a beast to wrestle in small trails where you are in someone else's track! Turning is optional. I suppose that is to be expected with a 155" track. Suspension felt good, quite stiff compared to the Renegade but I like that for drifted out lakes and ungroomed areas other sleds have been in...and I don't find stiff suspension too often weighing 240 lb.