I posted this on Washington forum also; Ihad trailer and sleds parked at summit of White Pass Tues nite thru Thurs nite or Fri because of Brake problems on my pickup. Had trailer without p-up parked at Cracker Barrel Store. Went up Fri eve to get it and it was gone. Lots of things I should have done differently. The trailer is a24' interstate enclosed, license 107OUE. It has a softball size hole on the passenger side of v-nose about 8'' up from bottom, also crunched in on that side from jackknife incident. Sleds are a2010 xp hill climb 154" mostly black 800. Other sled is 2005 rev x 800 159", more black than yellow. I took the tethers off both sleds when I parked them. Trailer is white v-nose. Any info much appreciated. Thieving basta$$ds. If you see any thing please call Yakima Sheriff Dept or me at 360-864-2665. Thanks in advance , Dick.