Trying to be nice RMK2112........For the new guys and gals that have just joined recently. WMC (formerly Rondondee) is an activist of sorts that has attempted to get some of our riding places shutdown for his own personal use. He wants to ride his old sleds to a skiier area and then ski. He has bothered the US Forest service many times with his complaints(facts) and has a very few could count them on one hand..they have made a little band of brothers and are attempting to get a large section of land banned for snowmobile use so they can have it all to theirselves..thats about the story in a nutshell. Now you will understand why there are some that are more "passionate" about this than others. I can not be upset with anybody that isnt nice in this regard due to the nature of this anology would be a thief that steels all the time and then he comes home and his house got broken in to while he was out robbing people..Hmmm..should I show sympathy for this..I think not.
To each their own and their own is understandable. When someone attacks you with a knife there are some that will wave a white flag or want to sit down a have a group hug and find out why the person wanted to attack them with a knife and there are others that will just take the knife away and shove it up the persons you know what and move on with their life...whos to say what is the best tactic..Do what works best for you but dont expect others to see your way of conflict resolution..I dont. The only thing that really works is everytime is "Rock, Paper and Sizzors" best two out of three!
Did anyone consider BFI or perhaps Winter Wildlands Alliance (WWA) whom WMC supports or any of these snowmobile haters...Sierra Club, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Wilderness Workshop, Wilderness Watch, Montana and Wyoming Wilderness Associations, Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance, Access Fund, The Lands Council, Wild Earth Guardians, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Defenders of Wildlife, Colorado Mountain Club, Colorado Wild, 10th Mountain Division Hut Association, Grand Canyon Trust, Quiet Use Coalition, Snowlands Network, Idaho Conservation League, Wyoming Conservation Voters, Friends of the Routt Backcountry, Oregon Wild, Alaska Wildlife Alliance, Peaceful Roads and Trails Vermont, Tahoe Backcountry Ski Patrol, and the Togwotee Pass Backcountry Alliance or some other scrap collecter??
They may have seen thru the thin skin and realized what you were attempting to do!!!! always comes back to haunt those that love it one way or another.
Call your insurance company. I am trying so hard to conjure up a tear
Perhaps it was your neighbors tired of the beaters distracting from their Levenworth homes.Hmmmmmm.......
...Remember there is a Silver lining inside every cloud..perhaps that piece of silver will be the extra exercise you will get now..Hmmmmmm...
WMC pisses on people then calls on the same ones in his hour of need..fricken amazing.