One: my post was made BEFORE the snow hit Irwin, Rabbit Ears or any of the other areas.
Two: You are lying to yourself and others if you honestly can say that the conditions are even close to average and normal, especially you being from Steamboat. On a normal year they are already close to the 300" mark at this time and right now they aren't that close to 200".
Three: I'm not trying to keep people away, I'm just being honest.
Four: Having an 8-9' base in one section of the State (Wolf Creek) does not qualify as giving Colorado an epic snow year. You can look at all the websites you want but the truth is that precip is way below normal statewide and a 65" base with a 24" fresh powder dump on top doesn't safely cover a 85" boulder, it just hides it until you whack it and it ruins your season.
Things are slowly getting better but we still need 3 or 4 good 2+ foot dumps to make things really good. To fill in the holes and such.
We rode Crested Butte/Irwin this weekend and the snow was deep but peeps were still tagging stumps and rocks.
3 weeks ago the Mesa was hurting for snow and folks were complaining. I've never been there but Live2ride, Powderpatrol, Gyp and a few others had mentioned that it was getting thin again and needing a good storm.