The AME grips go full power when they are first turned on to get up to temperature - after that they use only the power required to maintain the selected heat setting, of which there are 6. The 70 watt rating of the stator should be above what the bike requires, so actual output may be more than the 70 watts. The best person to answer the rating question is Trailtech, or whomever you purchased it from. X2 on Darryl - he knows his product line well. I would think it will because that is the main reason the stators were built - the stock stator has enough power to run the bike and one accessory (like a cyclops penetrator 625 or heated grips). In my experience and depending on when you ride most people don't run the grips and the headlight together and most only run the headlight in low visibility, on trails or coming out of the woods as it is getting dark. Obv. If you are a night rider you'll want to be able to run both.
Tapatalk I guess .. ..