Just looking for some info here. I have a mountain srx with a 600 srx motor in it not the original 700. I bought this from a kid. And was told it had a welded crank, new pistons rings but was unclear on bottom end assumed it was done when crank was sent in. Well this past week went out west it was running just fine then on Thursday it started to act up as if it was losing fuel. Started getting a real bad engine noise from the outside cylinder closest to the primary clutch. Motor never seized but it sounded like something let go. Shut it down and pulled plugs had good compression from all 3 cylinders. But clutch was kind of loose you could wiggle it up and down at least an 8th of an inch or so. Have not tore motor down yet not sure if maybe spun an outside bearing or if the prob could actually come from clutch. Motor turns over easily. Just dont know what to do.. Have found a few used srx motors on ebay. Any engine help on this would be greatly appreciated... Thanks Bummed out
Just looking for some info here. I have a mountain srx with a 600 srx motor in it not the original 700. I bought this from a kid. And was told it had a welded crank, new pistons rings but was unclear on bottom end assumed it was done when crank was sent in. Well this past week went out west it was running just fine then on Thursday it started to act up as if it was losing fuel. Started getting a real bad engine noise from the outside cylinder closest to the primary clutch. Motor never seized but it sounded like something let go. Shut it down and pulled plugs had good compression from all 3 cylinders. But clutch was kind of loose you could wiggle it up and down at least an 8th of an inch or so. Have not tore motor down yet not sure if maybe spun an outside bearing or if the prob could actually come from clutch. Motor turns over easily. Just dont know what to do.. Have found a few used srx motors on ebay. Any engine help on this would be greatly appreciated... Thanks Bummed out
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