Update? What's the story on having to leave the sleds?
All three recovered today. On Sunday one guy who got turned around and separated from group. We spotted his solo track that went off the backside of the mtn. Two of us went down to track him down. After descending one table at a time we got about 300 yards down and realized we couldn't see further than about 15 feet in front of us. After my buddy and I had bashed about six trees in ten minutes, the last one left us stranded. One sled took off downhill and got pinned in the trees followed by mine pinning his even worse. We dug and maneuvered for about thirty minutes then heard the initial guy yelling underneath us. He came up on foot and met us at our pile of sleds/trees. At this point it was about 330p.
Between blizzard conditions, winds, severely steep grade, lack of daylight, and exhaustion, we made the decision to walk away from our sleds and come back for them. One of the hardest things to do but I'd rather be alive. Hiked up and out about 4 miles before being picked up on the hardpack.
We went back today. Its bright and sunny. Had an entire day to get the sleds out. We get down to the site and immediately spot a couple different lines to get out. Going back out the top was out of the question. If you turn and face the hill, it's so steep you can reach out and touch the side hill in front of you in spots. Sidehilled over about 100 yds, elevatored down about 200 yds then maneuvered into the ravine. Did a u-ball and shot up the drainage and sidehilled the face to the top. Sick lines today for sure. But definitely could've went much worse on Sunday.
Let it be known that no matter how technical of a rider you are, your situation can change in a matter of minutes. I like to consider myself a fairly seasoned rider but had to put my pride aside on this one and look out for our lives. Sorry for the long story and lecture. It will change some of the things I carry with me and definitely what conditions I ride.
K. Nuff said
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