there have been a lot of folks who have begun carrying Spots with them, and wonder if they will really work....well i tried mine out yesterday, due to a fellow sledder who broke his back (more of the story in the Utah section)....i activated the Spot and used the 911 family and the search and rescue agency were both notified.....Spots location fix was right on the button....we got our guy out, he's going to be ok....liabilities to the system, we at the accident site don't know if our Spot message was received...because of the seriousness of the situation, we had to send two riders back about 25 miles or so until they could find a ranch house with phone service (no cell service where we were).....Spot doesn't initiate life-flight because of their limited information, and rely on s&r to access the situation when they get there......just the Spot alone would have gotten the s&r guys and gals there....the phone contact refined what we needed (life-flight) and further clarified to the s&r folks as to where we were....there are lots of overlap in the viewpoints of all the people involved, bottom line to me is the Spot worked.....and it takes a lot of coordinated effort to get a busted body back to the hospital, and everyone did a great job!!!!