I have a 2006 Switchback 600HO. Last year, I swapped tracks, gears, etc and took it out west (which I'd also done during the previous 3 years). During the first ride out west, I immediately noticed the speedometer wasn't working, but everything else (tach, etc) seemed to be working just fine in the console. I wondered if something wasn't put back together right after the track swap, so I swapped tracks back to the 1.25" track when I got back home to Minnesota, but didn't get a chance to ride again until this year. I finally got a chance to ride a couple of nights ago, and the speedometer still isn't working. I've swapped tracks a dozen times, and have never had a problem with the speedometer until now, so I'm pretty sure everything is put back together correctly, but I suppose something could've been damaged. Any ideas of what I should look at, to try to figure out what is wrong?