I was posed with a question today. What would you do if given a month to live?
I know it sounds cliche' (sp?) but yesterday I found out that my boss, who is a great mentor and friend of mine was diagnosed over the holidays with a very rare and extremely aggressive form of stomach cancer. First thoughts were a slim chance of surviving and most likely about 30 days. Now the full extent of it has been found and they've said that it will most likely not be more than a week and two at best w/ no chances of survival. It's pretty hard to believe since I saw him a week before x-mas with no real issues. He did not know yet at that point either and in the past 2 days he's really gone down hill.
Personally if I had the ability to do it I would load up the sled and head straight for Mt. Jefferson and find the nastiest thing on the mountain and try to climb it. Avie's be damed if it triggered try to ride it out. Whatever I could find to climb and go for it. Not straight up suicide but to be able to go out doing what I love without fear.
I hate the thought of a great guy like him dying slowly in a hospital bed. I only pray that he's sleeping when it happens.
I know it sounds cliche' (sp?) but yesterday I found out that my boss, who is a great mentor and friend of mine was diagnosed over the holidays with a very rare and extremely aggressive form of stomach cancer. First thoughts were a slim chance of surviving and most likely about 30 days. Now the full extent of it has been found and they've said that it will most likely not be more than a week and two at best w/ no chances of survival. It's pretty hard to believe since I saw him a week before x-mas with no real issues. He did not know yet at that point either and in the past 2 days he's really gone down hill.
Personally if I had the ability to do it I would load up the sled and head straight for Mt. Jefferson and find the nastiest thing on the mountain and try to climb it. Avie's be damed if it triggered try to ride it out. Whatever I could find to climb and go for it. Not straight up suicide but to be able to go out doing what I love without fear.
I hate the thought of a great guy like him dying slowly in a hospital bed. I only pray that he's sleeping when it happens.