This is a great thread, and I agree; I fell in love with the sport when I was five.
What I have noticed, snowmobilers are bound together by many common ties...
snowmobiling is a way bigger time and financial commitment than most motorsports.
sleds (regardless of the brand) take a pile of work to maintain, repair, haul, store...heck, its a pile of work just to get ready to go riding.
Most (of course not all) are joined politically, are hard workers no matter what the profession, proud of and involved with their kids, are extremely patriotic, and view fellow riders as comrads and are almost always willing and ready to lend a hand.
As a group, we are the eternal optimists: "this year is going to be awesome; it's going to snow a ton- I can feel it!"
And after all the time, money, work, driving, cancelled trips, crappy snow or no snow, broken down sleds 17 miles from nowhere, and everything else, we get one of those trips when the planets align, and the snow is perfect, the weather is perfect, and there wasn't a single problem with the truck, trailer or sleds. We grin ear-to -ear with memories that will last a lifetime, and as we're loading our sled to go home, we look down at the machine and we say to oursleves with a huge smile, "That was awesome...I love snowmobiling!".
Yep, snowmobilers rule.
That's soo true.
I know last year when my buddy's sled split a fuel line, and kept choking itself out, over 25 miles from his truck, that was a LOOOONG tow back. LOL.
After he figured out the problem with it, that next trip up to the mountains went without a hitch. It was awesome.
Sledding also feels like it's about one of the only sports left with freedom to it too. The whole forest is your playground... not just some lame trail you're stuck on. LOL.
I love it.