Well like the title says some put somthing in my gas tank over the summer and cant get my sled to run the fuel when I drained it was dark blue and the bottom of the tank was full of ice I had more theb 3/4 of a tank of fuel when put away for the summer now I drained and cleaned the tank I cant get the sled to run when I prime the cylinders with fuel it will fire up but will die after fuel burns off im trying to prime the pump but no luck tried putting 12volts to the red and brown wire of on the priming plug what should I do oh yeah and they did the same to my arctic cat gonna tackle that after I get this one fixed it is a 2011 rmk pro 163 with a silber turbo and boost it control box I run straight ave I know its blue in colour but the blue in my tank is way darker sone help plz