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Some pictures and videos from montana

Wheel House Motorsports

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Lifetime Membership
Some pics from 2 rides up portal creek this last week. the videos are jskattum606 climbing a hill we descided to drop down into... josh stopped at the bench the first time to check it out... it got a LOT steeper once you dropped down. thought it was just a little baby hill, but not quite! I had to track poach a little as the snow was pretty deep and the bumps were killing me.

more pics to come of some turns in the meadows.
turbo 900 angle 1
turbo 900 angle 2
yamadoo angle 1
yamadoo angle 2





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Ski-Dooin it, Nice footage and pics!! you can tell it's steep but the cameras never do it justice.
Nice pics! but you should invest in a new video camera:face-icon-small-hap
the videos from the better high angle are my buddies camera, its really nice. the vids from the top are mine, just off a small digital camera.. not bad for something the size of a deck of cards!

and MT.. yeah, we thought that little bench in the middle to the top was the hardest part.. then we dropped in!! when you can see like 50 miles off in all directions, the hill seems tiny. until your on it! if the snow sets up a tiny more there are some more lines we are going to try up there. just dont want to get to crazy on it right now.. still pretty fluffy near as the sun doesnt hit most of it!!
Nice pics. There should be a track straight up where the first pic was taken from. Is that Yammie motor spinning enough rpm? Sounded a bit low to me.
trust me... we were checking out the lines right up by that first pic.. problem is its got a LOT of big air pockets around the rocks. theres not as much snow as it looks like.. dont want to hit rocks that bad.. dont have that kinda money. might check it on in a week or two if the snow is a little more firm. also, just looked back at it.. cant see it cuz of the bad light, but there is a cliff down there.. you have to sorta climb around it.. and the pictures are taken from right below another shelf.. I will get more pics up later that I think show it better.

as far as RPM... not sure, wasnt looking at my tach... I know in the bottom part of my climb i was above 10k... when i chopped the throttle near the top it didnt seem to pull back to full RPM.. im still a tad rich, so thinking, cleaning that out should help deal with that issue. im jetted to run around 6-8k.. we were up around 9k and it was well above freezing out in the sun! so I think there is some power left on the table. and my sled even pulling just short of 11k doesnt sound the same as most i have heard.. wonder if its my exhaust shape.. its not that loud at all. just sounds kinda quite.
sweet videos, that yamadoo is so sick. i'm suprised you're selling it after all that work.
no kidding. also glad brandon hiked out onto that ledge.. he got a sick view of the bottom of you. to bad nobody got a good video of your line throught the top. it was silly!! i got the other pictures coming.. then they can see where it went!!!

as far as selling the yamadoo.. i forgot to take the add down.. this beast aint for sale!!!
Sled is looking sweet. I was following your thread when you were building this and it is awesome to see the sled in action.

This is a great example of what this forum is all about.

Nice work!
sweet.....love the turbo bark

bet those little rollers were fun to hit half way up :face-icon-small-sho
oh man, i was crapping my pants hitting those, my sled keeps the nose down pretty well, but theres a sudden line when its happy, then it flips over.... so i cheated and track poached. Im used to ahving more then enough power, this was the first real chalange of a hill... if i hit it with a little more speed I think i could blast right up it, sorta wheelie right over those bumps... they didnt look like anything going down.. but up was another story!

We might be heading back there in a week or two and I think there are a lot more lines throught the trees that I could put down. just had only 2 climbers.. so didnt want to spend the whole day haning out watching us make climbs.
its way fast... and the 166 does well with boost. we both agreed, mine has more power, but his has a LOT better track.... and he wins. i dig some serious holes when i get on the thing where he sorta just pops on top of the snow much better.. here aer some more pics of that day, and some of earlier in the week ripping up the meadows.. the black sled is my old one with my girlfriend piloting it.










and a few more I forgot I had taken... or had taken of me.

this gives you an idea of how steep it is. taken from right where i poped throught the trees at the top!


I think I need a haircut!!! either way, i was really stoked after my first real big somewhat technical climb!


the top of josh's line... I couldnt beleive it..what a ninja. the trees wish they were 4' apart!!


the bottom side of josh's line..


the top of mine.. Fun little path throught the trees!


and thanks to my buddy brandon for hiking around and getting all the good overhead videos... this is a pretty zoomed in picture. its a ways away!!


the backdrop.. this is why everything seems small up there..

Nice Nick!!!! looking forward to riding this friday... Wish i could have made it up that weekend!! but you know the story.

Now i need boost it may get pushed up to this summer!!!
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