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Snow Show, Summer Sucks, and a list a mile long...!


Good to Go

Great show, great peeps, awesome time..!

Thanks for the dinner on Friday put on by Modsledr and Coyote Girl..! A great end to a long month, a great start to a fantastic weekend...!!:wine:

For some unknown reason, I pizzed someone off and got stuck in a booth next to the NW Glacier Cruisers.... spent two days batting their prying hands off my hired help...:eek::p

Great people who do an AWESOME job in their area for the sport. On Saturday night, they put on a feast in the covered (and heated!!! tent, with great company and a Husky game (WTF...hellllooooooooo, we're at a SLED show... how 'bout a SLED video...??!! ;):p) Was even better when I arrived at the booth on Sunday to find my breakfast waiting: homemade biscuits and gravy compliments of the the crew at the campsite for the Cruisers!!

Had a great time meeting peeps and hearing stories. Best one of all: Had a girl come up and scream "I LOOOOOOVE that stuff... My name IS Summer"... Her parents were standing behind her. I didn't touch that one with a 10 foot pole...:face-icon-small-hap:eek::D

I know I'm going to miss a bunch here, but...it's my best effort.

Walking across an intersection, I hear "Good to Go"...I stop, look, don't see anyone I know...turn, guy looks at me, says, "hey, ain't you GTG?". "maaaaybe" (chit, what'd I do now),

"I'm augerin"...lol. OMG, I'm safe I think to myself. He's as off his rocker as I am....and probably pizzed as many off. Dude, you crack me up!!

Thanks to Jet Chevorlet for taking care of my ramp from Silver Lake. And thanks Mike for getting it to me!!

Met NW Gooser (ok, two days in a row...enough is enough. go home to your wife), THE DICK (next time, bring your wife...what makes you think I wanted to see YOU...?? Adrenaline Revolution and wife (we did NOT talk politics..), Snowlover, ArticBoy (man meets strange man at boat launches at o'dark thirty..and says hes going 'fishing honey'), Papa Bear, Idaho Slim, Boosted Brad, HPI (HA!! You went to bed before me for once...lol, puzzy), The Prez (thanks for the ride back to camp on Saturday... I got a chaufered ride back WITH my Crown on ice, from the show. Drink ready in the ride. Now THAT's service!!), LRS1 (soooooo, did you sell or not...?) Oregon Girl and Tedd (I mean Todd) ( You two are obviously in need of serious counseling...you kept coming back to the booth with smiles...and the hugs and all, OMG, what was I to do..?) Mini (that sled WOULD put me in the hospital!), the all famous Fordman and Graveler (Mrs. GTG 2B walked up, looked at them and said "oh, its the Gay Duo..?!" lol, they both nodded 'yep...'..livin' the dream I guess..), Tumblina (honey, you are a scream!! and whoooo hooooooo on the Calendar!!!!!:lips:), Ruffy (yea, like YOU could sneak by..), Yamamauler (I'll work on Spokane tomorrow...promise), Kurt from Fastrax (really enjoyed the conversation..thanks), Plumr (more than once a year would be nice...oops), Sled Revy (did you know you have a light blinking in your ear...it's like a damn growth buddy..), Polar Express (finally, someone with a name I can remember..), Whitefish (I look forward to seeing that Supercharger on you sled...and continuing to get my butt handed to me..), Moonman (yea, thanks for coming back to the booth again...SNOB), Winterbrew (again, and again, and again, and again...never talked, but damns, you was everywhere...), Coyote Girl (is she new around here..?) and Modsledr (I know where YOUR hands have been buddy..;), Jer (glad you could make it down this year) 1200 cc and 'BOB'...lol, Melody is PIZZED at you two...never came and said hi. You two are DIRT now...so toast.., 2FUN4U (don't forget your hand truck next year girl...;)..), and Powderhead and Soccerd6... you two ROCK!! thanks for all you do for this sport!! (haven't figured out yet how she's going to reconcile wearing Summer Sucks clothing while owning the title of Ms. July..!!!! lol, you'll can join the rest of us in counseling...). And to CleElum Sledhead.....Salute Sir. For all you do with SAWS for us..!

Got the bumper sticker Wade.. great job.

Was able to walk a little, see some, talk to much (so said my lady). And loved every minute.

Thanks to all for making it worthwhile. For those that missed, we did bring in some base layer thermal with the chest logo...the stuff is quality and looks great. It's not on the web site yet..just at the show. I'm going to order up more... pm if interested.

WE NEED SNOW.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW - difficult to follow Dave, so I won't even try! To all the peeps that made this an awesome weekend, my hat's off to ya!
It was good meeting a lot of the peeps and putting a face to some of the names. GTG got bullchitting and forgot to buy a shirt :confused: Have to shoot you a PM about how to get one.
Or, I could just follow the huge link at the bottom of your post!
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What a blast, I need to bring my wife every year. She get to buying snowmobile stuff and there's no stopping her. It's a blast trying to figure out who's who from Snowest and say hi.:D:
Yup Dave is never short on his words of kindness. Good summary buddy. What a blast, probably the best year ever. Great peeps, the whole calendar thing brought it too a whole new level. Thanks B for all that you do for this fantastic sport. It was awesome chatting with everyone, and partying with folks.

It is definitly time for the snow to fly and the real fun to begin............
:heart:My feet hurt too....WTH was I thinking I could wear high heels for three damn days IN A ROW??? My tennis shoes feel soooo good today! Wow! I had such a great time. I don't think I've ever been hugged or given soooo many hugs over a weekend....I feel LOVED!!!;) Great to meet so many people off the Forum.......I can't name them all & I'm not gonna try.
GoodtoGo-:heart::lips: xoxoxo You hold a special place in my heart already. Thanks for being so generous to SAWS! :present:

SAWS-Thanks to all who stopped by the booth...to join, give money, buy a raffle ticket....etc.....I'm pretty sure I got bragging rights for raising the most $$$ during a 2 hour period....:D I have my game down for talking to potential members as well. Thanks for all the practice people!!!

The Friday night dinner was divine! What a great time! Thanks Coyotegirl & Modsledr for arranging it.

Saturday night was a blast...My legs are killing me from dancing my a$$ off.
Don't remember the last time I had so much fun. :face-icon-small-hap
Oh yeah....the Ladies Ride was the last time I had that much fun.

To all my Sledchicks :rose:-I love all you Ladies sooo much...Thanks for being a such a cool part of my life. Don't know what I do without you all!! :lips:

See ya next year!!!! :D:beer;:devil:
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