It's a Go!SWR has officially rescheduled the snocross races for March 1 and 2nd in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Registration will take place Friday, Feb 29 at Bear Creek Saloon on Lewis St. in downtown from 6 to 9pm. You may also register for the Drags Sunday Morning until 9am. Racing is to begin at 10am on both days. We have plenty of snow to build a great track at the Archuleta County Fairgrounds. (track is not in an arena) Please email me at to be added to our automatic updates. We also have Chama rescheduled for the month of March. We are an ISR Affiliated Circuit. We can email you the registration forms if you would like to preregister, and then fax them in by Wed. before the race. We will be adding cash to the Pro and Semi-pro snocross classes. You won't want to miss this race. It was a great show last year and we have had more response than ever. For more information please call us at 970 759 8330.
Pam Lloyd
South West Racing
Pam Lloyd
South West Racing
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