OK my dad is currently plowing snow and splitting wood and cutting wood (buzz saw pto run) with a 1958 8N ford tractor that we restored last year and turned out to be a fun experience. Well the day has come that they are going to sell the fire place and just pay the heating bill versus feed the stove all winter. Not that they can't afford the bill, but just getting to old to go get 5-6 cords to feed the stove all winter, mind you they lite it in OCT. and keep it lit through March. Well dad doesn't want to give up moving snow and the drive way and in the neighborhood. So I would like to get some advise on a small multi purpose tractor? The only 2 I know of is John Deere and Kabuto which both seem to be really good brands. But what I'm looking for is gas or diesel, cab or no cab, do they have heat in cabs, attachments that come in handy on them, and maybe what they are worth would be nice. Sorry for the novel just trying to get some info for my old man to be comfortable while playing