O Outbound86 Free Member Nov 1, 2010 #3 Just wondering why you are selling the can ---- to loud for trail riding?
S saskrider New member Premium Member Nov 2, 2010 #4 shipping from N.D. approx. $15-20 to ship to IDAHO
S SDsledder12 Free Member Nov 13, 2010 #5 Also wondering your selling it. Too loud or what? How about $100. Where at in ND? I'm from the Sioux Falls, SD area and have a cousin in Bismark that might be coming down over Thanksgiving. Let me know. Thanks.
Also wondering your selling it. Too loud or what? How about $100. Where at in ND? I'm from the Sioux Falls, SD area and have a cousin in Bismark that might be coming down over Thanksgiving. Let me know. Thanks.