09 m1000,slp can and intake. has ran great the whole season so far, i let it sit for about a week and half. i went to go fire her up and it would fire but would not idle, then it would start to back fire pretty bad. finally i got it to idle but it would only idle for about a minute, whenever i touched the gas it would die. I took it out for a little test ride just to see if i could get her to open up, it would cut out at 6 everytime. the next day i completely cleaned the gas out and blew the lines out. there was quite a bit of water in the bottom and also some other dirt and ****. i through in new gas and now it dies at 4600 r's, takes about 12 pulls to get it to idle. what should i do now? i tryed to take the injectors off but the 4 phillips screws will not come out of the block without stripping them, i even tryed and impact driver and that wouldnt work?? has anyone had these problems???