The Kickass One
Notice to clients, customers, fellow sledders, friends and other crazies - most Easterners know as Capers or Newfies
We have been getting numerous calls for sled rentals for Golden. Our family has moved from Golden to the Cranbrook area where we are providing sled rental services
Sled rentals agencies in Golden include - in no particular order
Rocky Mountain Riders - Luke
Golden Snowmobile Rentals (GSR) - Aaron & Kim
Snopeak Rentals - Mike
I know Mike and Luke have guide areas and Aaron was in the process of obtaining a tenure area for guiding when we moved.
If you are looking at riding in the Golden Area please contact one of these dudes. Give us a call or email if you plan to visit the Cranbrook area.
We have been getting numerous calls for sled rentals for Golden. Our family has moved from Golden to the Cranbrook area where we are providing sled rental services
Sled rentals agencies in Golden include - in no particular order
Rocky Mountain Riders - Luke
Golden Snowmobile Rentals (GSR) - Aaron & Kim
Snopeak Rentals - Mike
I know Mike and Luke have guide areas and Aaron was in the process of obtaining a tenure area for guiding when we moved.
If you are looking at riding in the Golden Area please contact one of these dudes. Give us a call or email if you plan to visit the Cranbrook area.