Idaho regulations
Since I sell sled decks in Oregon. This topic is very important to me. We all travel other states to sled. I have heard that you can not enter canada without marker lights and a headache rack. I will research each western state and canada to find out. Here is what I found out about Idaho. In Idaho the maximum width (load or vehicle) is 8'6".
49-1010. SIZE OF VEHICLES AND LOADS. No vehicle shall exceed the
dimensions specified below, except that certain devices determined by the
board as necessary for the safe and efficient operation of motor vehicles,
including energy conservation devices, shall be excluded from the calculation
of width or length.
(1) The width of a vehicle, including any load thereon, except as noted
below, shall not exceed .......................................... 8 1/2 feet.
(a) The limitations as to size of vehicles stated in this section shall
not apply to farm tractors or to implements of husbandry, including any
load thereon, or any trailer not wider than the implement of husbandry
used in the transportation of implements of husbandry for agricultural
operations, and including all equipment used in land leveling operations,
when being incidentally operated upon the highway from one (1) farm
operation to another during daylight hours.
(b) Notwithstanding the exemption from width limitation for farm tractors
included in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the total outside width of
any farm tractor being transported on the interstate system in this state,
except as permitted by section 49-1004, Idaho Code, shall not exceed
.................................................................. 9 feet.