Fox news is the ONLY news org that reported on ACORN.
Fox News is trying to make people believe that Acorn registered thousands of people that don't exist to vote, and that these people actually voted, which is not true. There are absolutely no facts that show people that registered to vote under Acorn with fake names or whatever it may be actually voted. The only thing they are guilty of is Voter REGISTRATION fraud. The more people they have register, the more money they get. They are a POS organization nonetheless.
Fox news is the ONLY news org that exposed bo's czars for what they are and so far 1 has resigned and 4 more are going to.
And they bashed Colin Powell to death when he exposed the truth, because Fox News couldn't handle the truth.
Fox news went after bush when he lied, there is just SO much more of it now.
Sometimes they did, many times not. They all backed Bush up when he said we could fight two wars at once successfully. The American people bought it hook line and sinker. Then they use fancy words like "Advanced Interrogation Techniques" to make something out to be that it's not. Just one example of many.
It is a news orgs duty to go after politicians, force them to do everything above board.
Is fox slanted conservative.
Yea, I would say so.
They are however, the ONLY news org that not only gives air time to opposing views but has reporters who are admitted liberals.
Bologna. O'Reilly does nothing more than cut people off and yell at them when they don't agree with him. Not to mention Fox hires Liberals who aren't well known Liberal debaters and they aren't well known because they are not good debaters. I have never seen another person on TV that tries so hard to keep opposing views quiet
Ever hear of a conservative reporter on CNN, oh wait, there was one, he was FIRED. Now works for fox.
And he has flipped 180* on many of his views since joining Fox, he's nothing more than a hypocrite.
To say fox is tearing the country apart is laughable.
They spread more half truths and whole lies than any other news agency.
bo and his socialist/marxist doctrine is tearing this country apart.
There's one Fox News talking point. Barack Obama is no more a socialist than George W. Bush is.
CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and NBC arn't just slanted liberal, they are full press anti-conservative. They don't report things that would make bo look bad.
Yes, they do, but not near enough.
They completely ignored the hundreds of thousand of people that went to washington to protest washingtons spending, yet every news org in the country covered the 200 protesters at the G20 meeting.