I just received this email regarding the fun run.
"Dear members, Due to the snow conditions and inability to groom, we have decided to postpone the annual Fun Run until Saturday January 23rd. We apologize for any inconvenience, however we felt this was the best option. Please pass this info on to anyone who is not available via this email.
Look forward to seeing you all on January 23rd."
AJ, I don't believe you need to be sponsored by a member to stay at the bunk house but if you do just let me know. I have never used the bunk house but I believe it is just a place to sleep, the lodge has a living room, shared kitchen & showers.
Sky Meadows has a lot to offer, I have 3 young ones that love riding and being outdoors, for me it is all about family, friends and good times.
All the posts here pretty much sum it up, yes the riding isn't the same caliber as Baker or Stewarts but there is great riding and lots of it, the trail system goes on and on plus the area is open in the non winter months to off roading, dirt bikes, quads and other recreation.