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Sinus surgery: who's had it?



My wife just got back from the doctor. They are recommending that she should have a procedure done called balloon sinusplasty..

But I'm wondering who's had it done, did it help?

I want to make sure this is going to do the trick, she's had a sinus infection since september... That and insurance isn't covering it all, so it's leaving us with about 4k to pay...
Well mine wasnt the exact same however i had a deviated septum and while they were up there they removed polyps... sp? and other stuff in there to reduce my hay fever and extreme allergies it worked to an extent maybe 75% but was also informed that it isnt uncommon for most anything to grow/return in a nose I was surprised and never knew. Just some food for thought.
I have had a ton of sinus infections over the years. Including sugery last year. A MONTH AFTER SUGERY I GOT ANOTHER INFECTION !
I dont belive I ever got rid of it . I finally went to another ENT. He really pushed
MAINTENANCE !!! I was on 5 diff antibiotics for 50 days ! I couldn't have had anything fricken growing in my head ! then sugery.:mad:
Do her a favor and get her one of these !!!!
you can pick it up at Walgreens, Riteaid etc....
AWESOME PRODUCT. Nasty to use. But wait till crap loosens up and comes out. Its like contact cement in there and it needs help to get it out !
Also a personal steamer with a little vics works great. Hot steamy showers,and saline spray ( "Ocean" brand ) several times a day.
Anytime I get a little stuffy I start using saline spray all day to keep it from sticking. Think of how hard your buggars get..haha. Sinus crap is STICKY.
RINSE,RINSE,RINSE !!!!!! With this, lay down for a while. When you blow your nose bend upside down and let gravity help drag it out !!!
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My Mother-in-Law had it done! She still gets sinus infections, almost on a monthly basis. My wife gets them too, A LOT! I don't know who suffers more, my wife or my ears from having to listen to the constant complaining! ;) I feel sorry for her and your wife, those must be HE!! to deal with!
My CT scans looked the same before surgery as they did 15 years ago.
With deposits in the bottom of my frontal maxilariys. sp ?
I think that crap had been in there for YEARS !! a GUY/ GAL needs to flush that gunk ousta there !! Its like Id whack it down and the slightest thing would flare one up it again. I have not had anything going on since a pound and a half of crap got rinsed out !!!! hahahah but TRUE !
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