I ran into some people in McCall Saturday who stated that they had gone in to Silver Creek and it was very skinny on snow. As far as riding is concerned there is not a tremendous amount of quality off trail riding in that immediate area. (it's thickly treed, steep, and for some reason doesn't get dumped on hard like many other areas within a few miles) Better stuff in the webfoot and lightening creek area way prior to the summit and canyon (back side of East Mountain overlooking Round Valley near Cascade Idaho) that the plunge is in. Also there is some cool areas on the trail to Monument Peak (google earth it) but I don't know if you could fight your way in from that side. 12 miles with several creek crossings and a ravine fight might make it tough. Once you are back in there it's open and pretty cool. Also google cupp corals which is on the other side of the hill from that ATV access trail. The plunge is cool as a stay but the riding is pretty suspect. If you go your best bet is ATV trail described that is a few miles W prior to the forest service buildings and the plunge.