I've been running the SLP single pipe the last 200 miles or so. Really happy with it.
Decided to add the 6-8,000' slp head but found the sled dropped 5-600 RPM.
testing at 6,000'
SLP single pipe, can & air intake:
10-68 poo weights blue pink slp spring in clutch, stock driven =8,400 under load, Greatly improved top-end power but quite a drop in bottom end power and snap.
Then added the head and a black/purple slp spring in the secondary
now I'm only pulling 78-7,900 under load.
The addition of the head greatly improved the bottom end. I thought I might loose a little rpm with the higher compression.... but not 500+
Any thoughts?
Decided to add the 6-8,000' slp head but found the sled dropped 5-600 RPM.
testing at 6,000'
SLP single pipe, can & air intake:
10-68 poo weights blue pink slp spring in clutch, stock driven =8,400 under load, Greatly improved top-end power but quite a drop in bottom end power and snap.
Then added the head and a black/purple slp spring in the secondary
now I'm only pulling 78-7,900 under load.
The addition of the head greatly improved the bottom end. I thought I might loose a little rpm with the higher compression.... but not 500+
Any thoughts?
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